
  • WordPress 4.4 Sidebar Naming

    With WordPress 4.4 rolling out a few issues have come up around sidebars and widgets but one fix is not immediately obvious. When adding a sidebar, the naming previously was not case sensitive but it is now. The example below would not work: register_sidebar(array( ‘name’=>’Homepage Widget’, ‘description’ => ‘Main Area on the Homepage’, ‘id’ => ‘homepage’,…

  • Want to learn Laravel? Tear apart Illuminate

    There are any number of ways to learn Laravel. From the documentation right on to the very complete tutorials over at but there is also great way to learn the basics bundled in the install. Navigate to /vendors/laravel/src/framework/illuminate and dig into the modules that form the key functionality included in the original configuration.…

  • Stack jQuery events on elements to avoid delays.

    While building a bit of code for jQuery was acting up when adding a simple mouseover to expand and the event was delayed when the mouse entered the element. To fix this I daisy-chained the events on the element to fix the delays: Delayed animation: $(‘.feature’).mouseenter( function() { $(this).animate({ height: 540 }, ‘fast’, function() {});…

  • PhotoShop CS6 and 30 Bit Color

    Thank you Ars Technica for pointing this out.